Community Spotlight: Epictreasure

Meet Epictreasure from Australia

Who are you and what do you do in gaming?

I am Epictreasure, an Australian variety content creator and recreational gamer. I stream games big and small. I am always looking for that special something in everything. My streamer name (Epictreasure) is my XBOX gamertag, which basically is about me always looking for epic loot. I adore anything that is new and fresh in gaming technology. I split my focus among new releases, spotlights on indy developers, beautiful stories and horror content. You will often find me immersed in a world of single player stories, screaming in horror games, creating calming streams for relaxation or streaming with very amazing friends and certainly, a streaming set up full of flair.

How did you get into gaming?

The first time I was immersed in gaming was playing Alex Kidd in Miracle World on the Sega Master System 2. I went further down the rabbit hole years later playing Doom. I got into the content creation side of gaming in 2012, creating tutorials on Youtube for skilltrees, collectibles and “Let’s plays” however, back then, livestream gaming was not really known. I re-emerged in the creation world in 2019 on Microsoft’s streaming platform, Mixer (which I only intended on using to create VODs) but found my love of livestreaming there.

What’s your favourite game to play on Xbox and why?

My favourite game is forever changing, my finger is always on the pulse of developers big and small so it shifts a lot. Immersing myself in someone else’s world and their ideas brings as much reward as playing the game itself. Some of my favourite games have come from indie devs. I am consciously aware of how much effort a small (sometimes solo developer) has put into their game and appreciate every fibre they have put into their art. An incredible indie game is What Remains of Edith Finch by Giant Sparrow.

However, my favourite game of all time is easily Dragon’s Dogma- Dark Arisen.

What challenges have you experienced being a woman who plays games?

Gaming, to many of us, is part of our identity as our childhood was enveloped in this world. I think those of us whose fibres are interwoven with 8 bit characters and game soundtracks find the notion that a certain gender “shouldn’t play computer games” pretty absurd. For me personally, I have not found a lot of challenges. To me, the thought process behind gender stereotyping in general says more about the person thinking it and less about the person it is aimed towards.

Has gaming impacted you in a positive way? If so how?

Gaming has absolutely impacted me in positive ways. It has changed how I view the world, how I approach problems, improved lateral thinking abilities and seeing others perspectives. The most important facet though is how gaming has aligned me with brilliant people. The lifelong friendships, working with incredible minds and the memories we create is out of this world.

Being immersed in a universe that is so creative is a true blessing and inspiring. Every day I am seeing so much support given to each other which people might not have received otherwise. The gaming world in which we live has given a platform for voices that would otherwise not be heard.

What do you think needs to happen for women to feel more empowered and belong in the gaming industry? Is there anything we can do now to enact change?

I have seen the culture shift significantly in the last few years. As the industry continues to embrace women belonging, it will be easier for women to feel more at peace in any world they enjoy. We are constantly seeing the rise of incredibly talented women in competitive gaming which is inspiring. The more support women are given by brands, developers and companies as a whole, the more women will feel more empowered.

Is there anything that you’ve done in gaming that you’d like to share? Have you achieved anything special or done anything in the gaming industry that we should know about?

I have always been a person who sees that special something within another person. Be it a content creator, musician or any other artist. My joy and reward often comes from reflecting that back to the person, especially if they are not fully aware of their talent. I have always been seen as a dark horse in anything do as I am a bit of a misfit. It is through that I see that similar trait in others. The outliers, the anomalies, those who bring different shade and light to what is often a one tone canvass. I consider my achievements ones that don’t have with titles or badges.

Where can we connect with you?



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Instagram: epictreasure1

Twitter: epictreasure1